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About Myself

Personal Profile

I'm an animation obsessed weirdo who loves unearthing hidden stories! My creativity runs on wild ideas and forgotten gems. Every project is a chance to push the limits and make something epic. Let's ditch the boring stuff and create the impossible, together! You bring the spark, I'll bring the fire. We'll make something so awesome, it'll blow minds for generations.



2021-2025 (Pursuing)

University Of Petroleum And Energy Studies, Dehradun

Member of the volleyball team, member of the animation design and VFX team. 
My passions might seem like opposites at first glance: the adrenaline rush of a volleyball game and the meticulous detail of animation design and VFX. However, both disciplines fuel my creativity. On the court, I strategize with my team, while animation allows me to build worlds and tell stories visually. It's this unique blend of skills that drives me to excel.


S.D. Public School, Jagadhri

Accomplished athelete, member of the swimming team,  drama club, and member of the arts and commmunity club.
I may be a swimming champion, but I'm not all about muscles. Drama lets me be a goofball, and the arts and community club feeds my creative side. Basically, I like to learn, and have fun...all at the same time!

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